REVIEW: The Dumb House by John Burnside

This novel was incredibly difficult to rank on Goodreads 5-point star system. It almost defies rating. The plot follows Luke, a man of an unidentifiable age, and his life following the death of his mother. Fascinated by the story that his mother tells him of ‘The Dumb House’, an experiment where children were raised in… Continue reading REVIEW: The Dumb House by John Burnside

Fierce Fantasy Night @Waterstones Norwich

On Monday evening I got to attend the exciting Fierce Fantasy Night at Waterstones Norwich. I was really looking forward to the evening – the panel featured all female authors whose work I was a big fan of, or at the very least followed on Twitter and enjoyed their online personas. Authors Twitter accounts are… Continue reading Fierce Fantasy Night @Waterstones Norwich

Growing out of YA? The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

3* I frequently refer to Alexx throughout this review! We buddy read The Cruel Prince together, which was a lovely experience. You can find her wonderful blog here, on which she talks about books and health. I usually try to open my book reviews with a summary of what the book is about, but I’m finding that… Continue reading Growing out of YA? The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

‘Why can’t I be more like them?’; reflecting on role models and feelings of inadequacy

I consider my role models to be pretty much anyone I look up for having an admirable skill or quality. And if you’re anything like me, your role models are people that you kind of wish you were. As a creative person, a lot of the people I look up to make some kind of… Continue reading ‘Why can’t I be more like them?’; reflecting on role models and feelings of inadequacy

REVIEW: Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

4* Station Eleven is a post-apocalyptic novel which details the lives of various characters after the spreading of a fatal disease wipes out most of civilisation. Within hours of coming into contact with the illness people become incredibly ill, and then die within a matter of days. Airports are shut down; people barricade themselves in… Continue reading REVIEW: Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

University Reading List Spring 2019

Another semester, another reading list! I’ve read a couple of posts that are similar to this before and found them really interesting, so today I thought I’d share my uni reading list for this semester with you! For some context, I’m currently in my second year studying English Literature at the UEA, which is in… Continue reading University Reading List Spring 2019

Music that got me through the Autumn 2018 semester

Today I thought I’d share some songs and albums that I’ve loved over the past few months, particularly the ones that I’ve listened to whilst studying and writing my final essays this semester. I’m a huge advocate for Spotify, so this post was kind of inspired by my 2018 Wrapped. (I’m a nerd for my… Continue reading Music that got me through the Autumn 2018 semester

Why being busy doesn’t always work: the start of my second year at university

I absolutely love being busy. I adore feeling like I’m accomplishing things and being productive rather than spending time doing things that I feel are meaningless. I feel more fulfilled this way and as though I really value how every part of the day can be used to its fullest potential, whether this is in… Continue reading Why being busy doesn’t always work: the start of my second year at university